
View Entry Info: Synkie Abuse #5

Please enter the users current chat name.
Time of day that the offense took place.
1:30PM PST
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Synki, Stevo
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Complaint Description
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I said I wanted to play surf_y.
Synki gags me.
Stevo ungags me.
Synki threatens to ban me.
I say "Synki Abuse #5".
Synki bans me.
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Thread: Synkie Abuse #5

  1. #11
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    oh wait probs 2017 at the rate of which evolv is handling this?_

  2. #12
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    oh wait probs never because nobody wants you in ksf

  3. #13
    Senior Poster rool's Avatar
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink View Post
    oh wait probs never because nobody wants you in ksf
    aww did i get on your bad side too? sadboiz LUL

  5. #15
    Regular Poster Spari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink View Post
    oh wait probs never because nobody wants you in ksf

    you shouldn't even be in ksf

  6. #16
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    holy shit, corruption scandal

  7. #17
    Administrator evolv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shena View Post
    oh wait probs 2017 at the rate of which evolv is handling this?_
    I have removed synki's ban abilities until further notice due to the amount of unjustified bans I see on the ban list. I also do not want to continue seeing threads like this spammed on the forums as I do not have the time or patience for it. If you continue with the wisecrack comments I am going to just ban you from the servers.

  8. Thanks Spari thanked for this post
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  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by evolv View Post
    I have removed synki's ban abilities until further notice due to the amount of unjustified bans I see on the ban list. I also do not want to continue seeing threads like this spammed on the forums as I do not have the time or patience for it. If you continue with the wisecrack comments I am going to just ban you from the servers.
    one issue doe, theres about 50 threads about skandy aswell

  10. #19
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    I also do not want to continue seeing threads like this spammed on the forums as I do not have the time or patience for it.
    Lol, how can you turn it into a problem that many people complain about admin abuse incidents, just because many admin abuse incidents happen? Isnt the problem rather all the admin abuse incidents, and how the hell would we enlighten all those without complaining?

    I have every empathy for you dont have time, but how hard is to find a substitute?
    Last edited by Jabra; 08-26-2016 at 09:58 AM.

  11. #20
    Administrator evolv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jabra View Post
    Lol, how can you turn it into a problem that many people complain about admin abuse incidents, just because many admin abuse incidents happen? Isnt the problem rather all the admin abuse incidents, and how the hell would we enlighten all those without complaining?

    I have every empathy for you dont have time, but how hard is to find a substitute?
    1. There are two sides to each position, you and your buddies aren't being banned for absolutely no reason as I have spoken to many members regarding this.

    2. The amount of threads you make because you dislike somebody or feel they are "abusing" you is not going to increase the chances of action being taken.

    3. You don't decide the rules or when they are enforced, you can follow them as much as you want, but they are subject to change and punishments are based on a particular members discretion and interpretation of the rules. Whether you feel this is vague and unenforceable is not my concern. KSF was never mean't to be run by stringent and strict enforcement of every last rule, these rules were added over time as guidelines in order to maintain stability across servers.

    4. Time and time again you have proven yourself to be immature in how you interact with other users on the forums and how you respond to disagreements among members. This turns a credible claim into whimsical one and makes it less likely for me to respond in a timely and appropriate manner.

    5. I don't care if a variety of users make complaints on the forum, but I am seeing threads repeatedly made by the same person or from a group of people who are joining together to create all these threads. This has never been a problem up until this point, I have seen the same thread names being spammed in the shoutbox for weeks on end. The only reason I even mention this is because members have asked me to ban users for making repetitive threads.

    6. I am very lenient towards players who have made it into KSF Clan because I would rather have clan members work out problems among themselves without me having to be involved. Generally if I have to make a decision I want it to be a final one based on a majority of opinions/input by members.

  12. Thanks THERAPIST, frankdimegglio thanked for this post
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