Thought about posting this on Mwesty's admin app thread but figured it was more appropriate to make a general thread.

Also as a disclaimer: I do not mean any disrespect toward these admins. I understand they were accepted at some point because they were seen as good fits. I also understand that they do not have an obligation to the server in any way.

So something that seems to come up very often in the GO admin applications is the sentiment of a general lack of admins. I also feel that this is the case.
Here is the list of the 13 current admins on the KSF:GO admin group on steam. I would include their hours on CSGO in the last 2 weeks if I could/knew how.

• Nowlech
• Stratex
• Rainbowwww
• Vis
• Camilk
• Mada
• Dick Wizard
• Gazza
• Dremora
• Calyx
• Cheazy
• Warbag
• Binx

Out of these 13, around half of them are extremely inactive (personally have not seen them on GO in the last 6+ months) and a lot of others play somewhat occasionally.
The especially inactive ones are Stratex, Rainbowww, Vis, Camilk, and Calyx. Mada had been inactive for some time but seems to have returned. Gazza I see very infrequently. Binx was active a few months ago but have rarely seen him I have seen Dick Wizard, Dremora, Warbag and Cheazy (on a separate account I assume) on the KSF servers as of recent.

These are my personal experiences but I think a lot of the CSGO regulars would be able to agree with me. I try to avoid the tier1-2 server so my observations might be skewed, however I do think there needs to be an admin cleanup/an addition of more active admins.