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  1. #1
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    few little fixes MEGATHREAD

    please do something about the door in rands b3 not teleporting if you skip the checkpoints, like a teleport right in front of the door maybe, so when someone in the future runs (walks) it this won't have wasted their time

    these were in my successful Surftimer Updates - Map Fixes posts but they are also urgent
    50% of fruits2 stages have random drops
    lolrevlis s1 and 3 have random drops

    ignore all the lodypreview stuff on the off chance someone in the future runs it but do listen to the Thermals song provided and post some stuff that needs fixing so it's not all done behind closed doors vvvv

  2. #2
    KSF Member Boo's Avatar
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    ye door didn't teleport me twice waste of time :[

  3. #3
    Casual Synth's Avatar
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    004_final1 2nd ramp has terrible ramp glitches and the floor trigger after 3rd is retardedly high

  4. #4
    Moderator Sacred's Avatar
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    I think you didn't quite understand how rands b3 works. You can't finish it if you miss a CP because the endzone won't be triggered, so a teleporter in front of the door does nothing.

  5. #5
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    Raiin made it just fine a year and a half ago though and the route skips or jumps over all of the checkpoints except the first one, the one at the bottom of the ladder on s2, and the one right after the door. if you fall off you'll get teleported to the first one either way. think of how upset the troflecopter stream will be if he ever does the bonus and gets all the way there and can't finish...!

    nac b1 and b2 slow you down at spawn when teleporting unless you restart at s1 then try again
    b1 has extremely random big boy boost at the first bhop that is needed which is probably unfixable, but it makes a big boy black room skip possible
    whoever ported the map forgot to add a spawn_entity (big blue's words) so you can't play it offline, for people who do their research offline

  6. #6
    KSF Member frankdimegglio's Avatar
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    rands b3 worked fine like a month ago

  7. #7
    KSF Member Boo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankdimegglio View Post
    rands b3 worked fine like a month ago
    I am sure it still works fine I just can't seem to find all the cps apparently :/

  8. #8
    KSF Member frankdimegglio's Avatar
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    tomb3 s2-s3 drop
    oompaloompa spawn autohop
    entropyhardmode autohop in s1 on spines (lolxd)

  9. #9
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    boring s13 has wood you have to break every time map loads + s16 doesn't have the face forward !teleport startzone (i think 14 and 15 too)
    proximity s2 fixed drop
    intense b2 autohop on last platform with booster, wrb way
    surf_y s7 and s20 have places that send you to bonuses that everyone hits their first time + autohop on s19 and 20

    i'll try to get a rands b3 demo to see if i'm not delusional (surf joke). i forgot that i did fall down once in that run, before i got to the second checkpoint, but, i mean, c'mon
    Last edited by skip tracer; 12-22-2016 at 12:32 PM.

  10. #10
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    i'm a man of my word. i made a demo
    approx. tick 12200
    extra shortcut included
    feel free to watch at 600% speed

    stagejuan b1 autobhop at third section
    awakening s4 autobhop for noobs
    healthy s3 drop into 4 sucks
    ny momentum2 bonus autobhop + face forward tele would be nice
    lore s4 teleport is different, maybe others too. thank you

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