****Please be mature and use proper grammar when making a request****

Ban request -

Name of the offending player:

Time when it happened:

Number of people on the server at the time:

Admins online(afk or not):

Reason you are requesting this ban:

Steam ID of the offending player:

Please post a demo or screenshot of the events that occurred.

Unban request -

Name being used on the server at the time:

Time you were banned:

Number of people on the server at the time:

Admins online(afk or not):

Which admin do you think banned you:

Why you think you were banned:

Your SteamID:

You will not be unbanned until a leader of KSF or the admin that banned you posts if the ban will stay or be taken off, and why.

If you do not know how to record a demo I will explain briefly.

  1. Open Console
  2. Enter "record demoname"
  3. When you are done recording type stop in console.
  4. A demo file will be located within your steam folder.